Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lovers vs Workers

Most Christians will tell you they believe in salvation by grace and not works, but their actions say otherwise. And maybe they really do believe they're going to heaven based on a decision alone, but so many are running around trying awfully hard to make their Daddy happy.

It's easy to tell a lover from a worker. Workers are not the happiest bunch, and there's a sense of duty around everything they do. Their motive is to please God. They operate out of their own strength - which is just flesh - and they expect something back. Either acknowledgment from those they help, or for God to move on their behalf, crown in heaven, they've got something in mind, even if they won't admit it. A lot of it is "Hey Father, look what I did!" I don't mean to imply that workers don't love, but it's not the primary motivation, and they are not resting securely in their Father's love.

Lovers place a high value on obedience to God, but they don't act out of duty. They are compelled by Love. Through resting in that Love, they change things everywhere they go through little effort of their own. Their working comes out of union with God. Love is like a tangible thrust that fills their sails and propels them into action with a happy ambition. Lovers will out work the workers any day of the week.

Lately when Jesus has been showing up (yes I see Him) it's been to talk to me about rest and remind me that I'm starting to operate from my own strength, which is just flesh and we know that's weak right? He's trying to save me from a life of prostitution. Because if you're a worker instead of a lover... Yeah.

If you're tired, you're worn out, you're frazzled and grumpy, then you've been working. The cure is always the same. Jesus. I'm not real big on the Message bible, but I do like the way Matt 11:28-30 is in there. "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

So we gotta remember that we are the branch connected to the vine. (John 1:1-17) Our primary purpose is to "abide". Just as the sap flows from the vine into the branch, we also are tapped into that continual infilling of the Spirit, which enables us to produce fruit and continue to grow. There is nothing required on our part beyond just staying connected. The fruit just happens. Now, you can be in a dormant season, so if you don't see fruit, don't panic and try to squeeze some out through your own effort. Stay connected to the vine. If there's areas of your life not producing fruit, God'll take care of it. Just rest in His unconditional love.

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