Thursday, January 27, 2011

Awesome Health Care Option! Already Paid For! Isaiah 53:5

Healing Rooms now has a location in Kooskia!  Go here for the lowdown on when and where.  For those who don't know, Healing Rooms is a place where you can go if you're sick or hurt and get some hands on healing.  It works pretty much like a doctors office, you go in, are greeted by a receptionist who gives you paperwork that is kept on file and is completely confidential.  Then you go and sit in the reception area until they call you.  You then go to a private room where there is a team ready to pray for and prophesy to you. They are non-denominational and they don't care what you believe.  Pretty cool huh?  And if you don't live here, Healing Rooms is worldwide.  Go here to find one near you.

They also have books and art for sale.  I think I might go just to soak up that atmosphere and check out the book selection. Find em on Facebook.

Photo taken during a Healing Rooms dedication prayer meeting.  Washougal WA.


  1. That's so cool :)
    Do you think that's an angel or the Holy Spirit? :)

  2. I don't know. I immediately assumed angel because I had never heard of anyone seeing the Holy Spirit before, but my friend blew it up really big (skeptical) and found a dove in there.

  3. Wow I didn't know there were healing rooms at all!
    I might need to go to one. I need to regenerate and rejuvenate. Thank you Seneca for this info.

    Chili out

    ps. I'm from CFS :)

  4. Show this to all the religious folk..
    They don't believe in the supernatural..
    "signs and wonders follow thought who believe"
    When you enter into the glory, the power of God is reviled by healing.
    -- Jeanette Kiele
